Vincent Soberano's WE ARE WAR Seethes With Dystopian Chills And Fight Fare In The First Official Teaser Trailer

As expected, films like Blood Hunters: Rise Of The Hybrids and The Trigonal won't be the last we hear from director and actor Vincent Soberano. The emerging film talent on both sides of the lens is now taking an even greater stage in recent days with his work now central to the attention of a number of industry figures, one of which enlists his latest thriller, We Are War.

The film takes its cues from the work of writer and author Ruben Payan Jr. for a film set in 2029 as world governments collapse, and remnants of military might are deployed to Japan to seize control and ownership of what little remains of the world's purest natural resource: water. Soberano stars and is also joined by Liang Shih and Death Trance co-star Chuck Johnson.

Other news is seldom known about the film other than what we get to see with the earliest artwork, in addition to a first trailer which stops nothing short of impressive and as thrilling as one would hope for an actioner. It's a stirring week in Beijing for Soberano as his films now line up for some much needed profusion this week, including We Are War for which its trailer is available just below.

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