It was on Sunday that actor, producer and filmmaker David Sandberg teased forthcoming announcements for the long-awaited sequel, Kung Fury 2: The Movie. His social media posts on Twitter and Instagram featured conceptual artwork by Ivan Reiss, Marcelo Maiolo, Josan Gonzales, and Alexis Ziritt along with mentions of certain producers now tied to official trade news confirmed as of Monday about the upcoming summer shoot.
Word has it that Michael Fassbender is joining the film in an undisclosed role along with actor David Hasselhoff who sang the theme to the 2015 shortfilm that successfully blew past its Kickstarter goals a few years earlier, now with more than 40 million views in its wake before confirming a feature film effort in summer of 2016. Bloom is handling international sales at EFM this week with Endeavor Content and CAA repping North America.
Taking its myriad cues from ultra-lit 1980s cult fantasy fervor, Sandberg leads the intial short as Kung Fury, a hard-edged Miami cop imbued with the powers of kung fu and forced to fight his way from the Viking Age and back to the future to kill Adolf Hitler once and for all. The sequel, Kung Fury 2: The Movie, sets in 1985 and sees our hero traveling time and space to reunite Miami's ultimate police force, The Thundercops, and working through tragedy to save his friends and defend the prestigious Miami Kung Fu Academy from Hitler and the mystery villain aiding him.
Sandberg is producing via his Laser Unicorns label with Fassbender next to It producers David Katzenberg, Seth Grahame-Smith at KatzSmith Productions with Aaron Schmidt. Also producing are Philip Westgren of B-Reel Films and Conor McCaughan with Pelle Strandberg executive producing on behalf of Laser Unicorns.
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