The comic, split between two issues with the second released in 2015, tells of Dana Stevens, a tamale delivery girl whose mundane life, remedied only by her prowess as a high-ranking badass and boundless warrior in an augmented reality video game, finds her swept into a rip-roaring adventure when a mysterious AI causes the game to spill into the real world. Here's a quick summary with more on the property:
The future kind of sucks, and that goes double for Dana Stevens — she's stuck in a dead-end mail delivery job, and she's way too old to be living with her mom. But in the online fantasy world of Jarvath, she's an elite warrior. When she slays the wife of celebrity game character King Heremoth, her fame seems all but guaranteed — that is, until the game spins totally out of control.And that's just the first part, and I reckon an adaptation of the second part would inspire a sequel provided this initial installment is a success. A sci-fi, kung fu rock and roll space opera sounds about right gathering from all being said and suggested about this project and so needless to say, I'm interested. There's no director yet so let's see how this one evolves.
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