The Yorozuya trio are currently in the midst of their latest epic battle on Rakuyo in the current animated run of hit series, Gintama. In the meantime, with the previous season's finale came the departure of Edo's disavowed samurai police force known as the Shinsengumi, sent into exile by a notorious Emperor who all but usurped his way into power.
That said, will Fukuda Ryuichi's live-action adaptation of the manga and its show extend outwards to any franchise potential long enough to exhibit the story? That's a question that will surely need answering in due time while we await Fukuda's re-telling of the Benizakura Arc in the new movie slated for release this summer, which will no less include our very own Shinsengumi trio played by none other than Yagira Yuya as the mayonaise-addicted Hijikata Toshiro, Nakamura Kankuro as Shimura Tae's stalker, Isao Kondo and Yoshizawa Ryo in the role of bazooka-wielding Okita Sogo.
All three of these characters exhibit various personality traits which further evolve as one follows the popular anime based on Sorachi Hideaki's hit manga. It'll be interesting to see where things go from here, and nice with respect to hopeful sequels should this one pass the muster or more.
The three posters arrive following the arrival of actor Yasuda Ken and actress Hayami Akari who star as as the Murata father/daughter duo behind the latest creation of the Benizakura, a bio-mechanical sword which eventually falls into the hands of Nizo the Butcher (Arai Hirofumi) in a series of events that force our heroes, Gintoki, Kagura and Shinpachi (Oguri Shun, Kashimoto Hanna, Suda Masaki) to confront swarms of enemies in the Alien/human co-habitated town of Edo, both new and old.
Rounding out the cast are Nagasawa Masami, Masaki Okada, Muro Tsuyoshi and Domoto Tsuyoshi with actress Nanao and actor Sato Jiro also starring for the film's July 14 release from Warner Bros. Japan. Check out the posters below and stay tuned for an official trailer!
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