Live-Action Manga Drama, BLAZING TRANSFER STUDENT: REBORN Gets Greenlit For Netflix This Winter

Live-action manga fare is abound and now heading to Netflix by way of Shimamoto Kazuhiko's 1983 manga, Blazing Transfer Student. Detroit Metal City helmer Li Toshio is directing the newly greenlit series based on the manga centered on Takizawa Noboru, a high school student who tries to win over the right to date school idol according to the school's ground rules where big disputes are settled with fists.

The new show will sequelize these events with the caption, Reborn. With the lead, Noboru now serving as the principal of his own high school, Tanbei Academy, the series will explore seven transfer student all named Kakeru who have established themselves within to infiltrate and solve a problem that has national implications. Kansai-based boy-band Johnny's West is comprising the cast for the eight-episode drama which Netflix will air exclusively in 190 territories this Winter.

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